National Assembly passes one (1) of three (3) Bills presented at Sitting on 3rd September 2020
Office of the AG
At a meeting of the National Assembly held on 3rd September 2020, three bills were presented for consideration by the Parliament.
The Advance Cargo Information Bill, 2020, which provides for the provision of advance information relating to the cargo and passengers of a conveyance received all three readings and was passed by the Assembly. This Bill is geared towards enhancing border security control efforts in relation to the movement of cargo and certain passenger information that would be required by the Customs Department.
Attorney General Hon Vincent Byron contributed to the substantive debate in regard to this Bill. In doing so he also made reference to St. Kitts and Nevis’ obligations as they relate to its commitment regionally to the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force and internationally to the Financial Action Task Force. He explained how the Bill’s empowerment of the Customs Department would promote greater diligence in interdicting money laundering and drug and arms trafficking.
The first reading of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court (Judicial Officers Pensions) Bill, 2020, was seconded by the Hon Attorney General after being moved by the Hon Prime Minister Dr. Timothy Harris. This Bill seeks to provide for pensions and gratuities payable in respect of the service of judicial officers of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court.
The National Assembly Elections (Amendment) Bill, 2020 was moved by the Hon Attorney General and had its first reading at the sitting. This Bill seeks to provide for the length of stay that would qualify various persons to vote in the Federation.